Introduction to Data
In the minds of most people, data communication is a recent phenomenon
associated with computer communications, but data messaging predated the
telephone by several decades. Samuel F.B. Morse invented the first data communication
device, the telegraph, in 1844. The telegraph and its successor the
teletypewriter played an important role in communications for the first century of
their existence. These devices were the principal means of sending messages over
long distances until computers appeared.
Computers began as text-based systems that used punched cards for input
and magnetic tape for storage. At first, the mainframe computer was confined to
a self-contained processing center. Video display terminals (VDTs) gradually
replaced keypunch machines as the principal input device. VDTs are known as
“dumb” terminals because they have no processing power of their own. It all
resides in the host computer. Output devices of the time were punched cards,
tape, or high-speed line printers.
The methods of remote computer communications were primitive at first,
and the means of cramming information into voice channels was little understood.
One of the earliest applications involving computer communications was the U.S.
Air Force’s Semi-Automatic Ground Environment System (SAGES). SAGES integrated
data from radar stations into control centers that later formed the basis of
the air traffic control system. Development of SAGES began in 1957, a scant dozen
years after development of ENIAC, which was the ancestor of today’s computer
As computer applications evolved from centralized to distributed, enterprises
needed to move terminals to outlying offices to support applications such
as reservations and banking. Computer ports could easily be extended to distant
terminals with a modem running over a telephone circuit. Remote printers,
successors to the teletypewriter, had printing speeds in the order of 100 words
per minute, more than the speed of most typists. One hundred wpm is only about
80 bps, and a telephone circuit supports 2400 bps with the simplest of modems. It
was not cost-effective to use a fraction of the capacity of a voice circuit for a single
VDT. Moreover, 1 bit in error could render a message stream unusable. The industry
needed a reliable means of sharing circuits and detecting and correcting errors.
Two methods of solving this problem evolved. In one solution, IBM’s Binary
Synchronous Communications (BSC), a remote controller communicated with the
host computer. The host sent short polling messages to determine if any of the
VDTs attached to the controller had traffic to send. If so, the controller sent a block
of information with an error-detection block attached. If the host received the
block error-free, it returned an acknowledgment. If not, the controller resent the
block until the host acknowledged receipt. This method provided reliable communications,
but since the transmitting end could not send a block until the previous
one was acknowledged, it was slow. IBM upgraded BSC to SNA in later
years. SNA permits the sender to launch multiple packets without waiting for
acknowledgment. The service that supports BSC and SNA is called multidrop, a
name derived from the fact that multiple controllers share a single circuit back to
the host.
The second method, which most non-IBM computers used, was a data
multiplexer. A multiplexer connected to terminal ports on the host computer and
communicated with a matching unit that supported terminals at the distant end.
The multiplexer pair had two functions: one, they subdivided a voice channel into
multiple data streams, and two, they carried on an error detection and correction
dialogue to ensure data integrity.
Both of these methods are still used with variations, but only to a limited
extent because servers have replaced most mainframes and minicomputers. As
long as the keyboard remained the primary input device, a voice circuit was more
than adequate. Applications, however, evolved into file transfers and local area
network (LAN) interconnection, both of which involve computer-to-computer
communications. The mismatch in speed with which a hard disk can deliver information
and a modem can transmit it puts a severe damper on efficiency. LANs
move data within the office at much higher speeds. The earliest LANs were in the
order of 1 Mbps, but these soon increased to 10 and 100 Mbps. As organizations
interconnected their LANs and distributed information over wide areas, the bandwidth
of an analog circuit became a severe choke point. Users, having no idea
where information was stored, noted the vast difference in response time between
a local file delivered over a high-speed LAN and one delivered over a voice-grade
wide area network (WAN). Distributed applications needed a better match
between LAN and WAN speeds.
The common carriers’ first solution was to provide digital circuits. The basic
digital circuit in North America supports 56 Kbps of bandwidth. This is more
than twice as fast as an analog circuit, but a LAN is many times faster. The digital
56 Kbps circuit was barely a waypoint on the trek to higher bandwidths.
36 PART 1 Introduction
The carriers’ difficulty lay in the availability of transmission resources. Fiber
optics was in its infancy in 1980 and long-haul circuits were transported over analog
microwave radio. Digital microwave was available, but its error rate limited it
to a span of about 500 miles (800 km). The restrictions of the analog voice network
remained until fiber optics relieved the bottleneck.
Another major change in computer applications was the transition from textbased
information to graphics. Computers had been migrating toward graphics
for several years, but the Web accelerated the change. Desktop computers
replaced dumb terminals as the I/O device, and graphics-based operating systems
replaced command-driven systems. File sizes grew by orders of magnitude
and with the growth of desktop computing and the need for Internet access, network
managers had little choice but to expand bandwidths to meet the demand.
This brings us to the current state of data communications, which is mixed,
but moving toward a unified network. Desktop computers have replaced most of
the older VDTs. Multiplexers have largely been supplanted by devices that interconnect
LANs, and the older data networks have evolved into networks of interconnected
LANs. To begin the discussion of data networks, an understanding of
some key terminology is in order. We start the chapter with a discussion of
protocols, which data devices use to communicate with one another. Following
that, we discuss networks in overview, focusing on LANs, which are private data
networks that operate at high speed over a narrow range and WANs, which have
a global reach. Then we review the common carrier services that subscribers use
to interconnect their LANs so users can access resources from the desktop without
regard to where they are located.
Protocols are specialized computer programs that either exist in software or in
firmware chips. Most desktop computers contain both varieties. The Ethernet
LAN protocol, which comes with all new computers, is encoded into firmware.
For users to access the Internet they must load the software protocol, Transport
Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), which is provided with the computer’s
operating system.
Most protocols are written in modules or layers, each of which has defined
functions and interfaces. A modular structure allows developers to write application
software without concern about how the program operates over the wide
area. If a function or specification changes, it is not necessary to change the entire
protocol stack; only the affected layer and its interfaces with other layers are
changed. Many international standards are based on the OSI model, which is an
ISO structure that defines the functions of each layer.
LAN standards are a good example of the efficacy of a layered protocol.
LANs operate at the first two layers of the OSI model: physical and datalink.
Network interface cards (NICs) connect computers to the physical layer, which is
CHAPTER 3 Introduction to Data Communications 37
twisted pair wire, fiber optics, coaxial cable, or wireless. Network operating systems
use higher layer protocols that talk to any NIC. The NIC manufacturers provide
software drivers to enable the functions in their cards to communicate with
the network operating system across a protocol known as the logical link layer
(LLC), which is a subset of the datalink layer.
Protocol Functions
Diplomatic protocols prescribe a complex set of rules that dictate the way people
interact in international relationships. Diplomatic protocols prescribe such
customs as who is seated next to whom, how officials of different ranks are
addressed, and what kind of response is appropriate to another’s statement. The
protocol metaphor is apt for data because devices must behave according to
defined procedures. In a layered protocol these functions are usually assigned to
one layer, but the rules regarding this are not rigid. For example, every Ethernet
NIC has a unique and exclusive protocol and address known as media access control
(MAC) embedded in firmware. The MAC address identifies the station within
its own LAN segment, but to communicate across a WAN a higher level address
is required, the most prevalent of which is IP.
A fundamental purpose of protocols is to establish a session across a network.
A session begins when a user logs on to a distant computer, and ends with
log-off. The protocol authenticates the parties before permitting communication to
begin. Data networks handle sessions in two distinct ways: connectionless and
connection-oriented. In a connection-oriented protocol, the devices establish a physical
or logical connection across the network. The connection is set up at the start
of the session and remains for its duration. The connection can be circuit switched
as it is in the telephone network, or it can be a virtual connection that is defined in
a software path and shares bandwidth with other sessions. In a connection-oriented
session the packets contain a path identifier, but they do not need to carry
the address of either the sender or the receiver after the path is set up.
In a connectionless session, a single packet known as a datagram is launched
into the network and delivered to the distant end based on its address. The postal
service is an example of a connectionless operation. The user does not know or
care how a letter gets to its destination provided the post office delivers it to
the addressee intact and in a timely manner. LANs are connectionless. A station
launches a stream of information onto the network. All stations copy the message
but retain it only if they are the addressee. Connectionless operation requires that
each packet or frame contains the address of the sending and receiving stations.
The following points discuss the generic functions of protocols. The application
and the communications medium dictate whether a specific function is
needed. Within a LAN, which has a short and relatively secure transmission
medium, stations can communicate without many of the protocols that a session
needs across the more hostile environment of a WAN.
38 PART 1 Introduction
Communications control: Protocols can be classified as peer-to-peer
or master–slave. In the latter case, the master controls the functioning
of the datalink and controls data transfer between the host and its
endpoints. All communication between slave stations goes through
the master. Peer-to-peer protocols do not use a controller. Devices can
communicate directly with one another.
Error detection and correction: Protocols check for errors, acknowledge
correctly received data blocks, and send repeat requests when blocks
contain an error. Sophisticated protocols can acknowledge multiple
packets using one of two procedures. A selective repeat acknowledgment
enables the receiving device to request the sending end to resend
specific packets. In the go-back-n method the receiver instructs the
sender to resend an errored packet and all subsequent packets.
Link management: After the session is set up, the protocol controls the
traffic flow and data integrity across the datalink.
Setting session variables: The protocol determines such variables as
network login and authentication and whether the session will be
half-duplex, meaning information flows in one direction at a time or full
duplex, meaning information can flow in both directions simultaneously.
Synchronizing: At the start of a session data devices exchange signals to
determine such factors as the data transfer rate and whether they will
use compression or encryption. Modems exchange signals to determine
the highest speed at which they can exchange data and fall back to a
lower speed if the circuit will not support the maximum.
Addressing: Every session requires an address to set up a connection if the
protocol is connection oriented or to route packets if it is connectionless.
Not all protocols contain addresses. Many of them rely on higher or
lower layers for addressing.
Routing: In data networks that have multiple routes to the destination,
the protocol determines the appropriate route based on conditions such
as cost, congestion, distance, and type of facility.
Data segmenting and reassembly: The protocol segments a continuous data
stream from the source into frames, cells, or packets as appropriate.
The term protocol data unit (PDU) refers to the unit into which the data
stream is divided. The PDU is equipped with header and trailer records
for transmission over the network. Headers and trailers contain extra or
overhead bits that contain information the protocol uses for routing and
error checking. At the distant end, the protocol strips the overhead and
reassembles the data stream for delivery to the receiver.
Data formatting: The bit stream may require conditioning before
transmission and restoration after reception. For example, conditioning
could include encryption or compression.
CHAPTER 3 Introduction to Data Communications 39
Supervision: The protocol establishes a connection, determines how the
session will be started and ended, which end will control termination of
the session, and how billing will be handled.
Flow control: Protocols protect networks from congestion by sending
signals to the source to halt or limit traffic flow.
Failure recovery: If the session terminates unexpectedly, the protocol sets
markers and enables recovery without starting over.
Sequencing: If data blocks arrive out of their original sequence, the
protocol delivers them to the receiving device in the correct order.
Unlike voice sessions, which have predictable and uniform bandwidth requirements,
data sessions have unique requirements that depend on the characteristics
of the application. Users have many network alternatives to match the needs of
data sessions. Data sessions have much different characteristics than voice. For
one thing, they are lengthy. Contrasted to voice sessions, which typically average
3 or 4 min, data sessions extend from log-on to log-off, which may be days or
months apart. During the session the user may download a file, which puts a
momentary high demand on the network, but then suspend any further activity
while working on the file or attending to other business. Meanwhile, the network
makes its bandwidth available to other sessions that have noncoincident peaks.
Here are examples of typical data sessions:
Inquiry–response: Client-server applications such as Web browsing are
characterized by a small transmission upstream to a server, which may
result in a large downstream transmission.
Remote data entry: Access to a bank ATM machine is an example.
Transmissions are short, and may be approximately symmetrical, but
data flows in only one direction at a time.
Database backup: A computer may back up its hard disk to a storage area
network. Data flow is heavily weighted in the upstream direction.
LAN interconnection: This application has symmetrical data flow on the
average, but it is characterized by bursts of heavy flow.
The bursty nature of many data applications means that fixed-bandwidth
circuits impose limitations because the larger the file, the longer it takes to transfer
the data. Most data applications work best in an environment that provides a
variable amount of bandwidth, expanding to meet short-term needs, and during
low-usage periods, making it available to other sessions. Also, circuit setup time,
which is relatively insignificant to a voice session, is lengthy in data terms. Many
data applications need a fast response from the other end. If the devices had to
40 PART 1 Introduction
carry out a lengthy handshaking routine each time they needed access, the application
would be handicapped.
Network Access Methods
If multiple devices share the transmission medium, some means of allocating
access is needed. Circuit switching can be used, and for some applications such as
dial-up Internet access and occasional connections to remote access servers and
computer ports it is effective. For many data applications, however, the setup time
is too long, the bandwidth is too narrow, and dial-up access costs too much. Most
data applications need a full-time connection to the network.
One common method of allocating access is polling in which a device at the
head end of the network sends short messages to each node in turn, asking if it
has traffic to send. IBM’s BSC and SNA use this method.
A third method is contention access, which has the characteristics of a party
line. Devices listen to the network to see if it is busy and defer their transmissions
until it is idle. Ethernet uses this method. This method works well if all devices
can hear all of the transmissions on the network. If they cannot, however, transmissions
may collide, necessitating the devices to recognize the collision and
retransmit. Collisions may be reduced by permitting devices to transmit only during
their allocated time slots.
Another method of regulating access is by using an intelligent device such
as a router or switch to accept packets from the sources, buffer them briefly, and
release them in a disciplined fashion that does not exceed the capacity of the
transmission medium. The TCP/IP protocol operates in this way. IP is a connectionless
protocol that allows packets to traverse the packet as individual PDUs
known as datagrams. A datagram is an independent, unacknowledged packet,
which can arrive out of sequence, with an error, or not at all. TCP, as we will discuss
in Chapter 6, provides the stability that teams with the unreliable IP to form
the protocol that most of the world uses.
Data Network Addressing
A major difference between the PSTN and data networks lies in the addressing
method. A voice station address is the familiar E.164 telephone number, which is
unique for each station throughout the world. Data addresses are also unique, but
they are designed for machines to read. Humans would find it difficult to work
with an address such as 00-05-E9-3F-88-4A, which is expressed in a form known
as hexadecimal. All computers use the binary form of addresses—hexadecimal,
which consists of a series of 4 bits, is just a convenient way to make it less daunting
to humans. Hexadecimal has a number base of 16. It uses the digits 0 to 9 plus
letters A to F as symbols. For example, binary 1111 equals hex F.
CHAPTER 3 Introduction to Data Communications 41
Data protocols operate with a variety of addressing methods. For example,
the address mentioned above is typical of an Ethernet address, a unique address
that is permanently encoded in the card. The computer that contains the card can
be named to make the address easy for humans to use, but this raises a complication.
Any computer can be connected to an Ethernet port anywhere in the
world, and its owner could request access to the Internet or a private network. The
computer name and Ethernet address must be correlated somehow. The Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP), which runs on every LAN, translates the computer
name to its MAC address.
The Internet has a completely different addressing scheme. IP addresses are
expressed in decimal form such as Network users would find this
address complex, but network technicians use it every day, and often must know
its binary equivalent. For users, IP addresses are expressed as a uniform resource
listing (URL) such as Domain name service (DNS)
translates between the URL and the IP address. Every computer that connects to
the Internet must inform the network through its setup routine of the URL of its
DNS. We will discuss this in more detail in Chapter 6. For now it is sufficient to
understand that many different protocols have unique addressing methods and
where they must interoperate, some method of address resolution is provided.
Local Area Networks
A LAN is a high-speed privately owned data network that links computers and
peripherals over a short range. The primary motivation for LANs arose from a
need to share peripherals such as printers, and to access files that are shared in
servers. The industry proposed several proprietary LAN solutions, but none
caught on until the IEEE 802 committee standardized two LAN protocols. One,
802.3, is an offshoot of Ethernet, a proprietary product that Xerox developed and
offered to the committee. The 802.3 standard that IEEE adopted is similar to
Ethernet, but not compatible. Nevertheless, 802.3 is universally known by the
Ethernet name. IBM promoted a different standard, which became 802.5 token
ring. An 802.5 network uses a token-passing protocol that is a variation on polling.
Before a station can transmit, it must capture a software token that circulates
around the ring. The vast majority of LANs use Ethernet.
LANs form the foundation of nearly every network today. Computers come
equipped with Ethernet ports, which enable them to connect directly into an office
network. The Ethernet port connects via high-quality twisted-pair wire to a
shared hub or, more frequently, to a switch that connects ports long enough to
pass a data frame. Within the range of an Ethernet segment, which is nominally
100 m from station to hub, data travels at 100 Mbps or more. A variety of highspeed
methods, the most common of which is a fiber-optic link where it is practical,
or a WAN can expand segment diameters where common carrier facilities
are used.
42 PART 1 Introduction
Wide Area Networks
When LANs must extend outside the boundaries of privately owned facilities,
they normally use common carrier facilities. Facility is a generic term that
describes the combination of local loops and long-haul circuits that make up a
connection between subscribers’ endpoints. A variety of services and associated
protocols are available for connecting LANs. The industry typically shows the
WAN as a cloud as in Figure 3-1. The LAN owner is concerned with how to feed
the service provider’s devices at the network edge, but has little knowledge of
how the data flows inside the WAN. In this figure, routers at each customer
location connect LANs to the WAN. The industry has a sub-category of the
WAN called a metropolitan area network (MAN). The major difference between
the two is in the span of the network. A MAN typically does not extends outside
a metropolitan area. We can confine the discussion to WANs because the services
and protocols are essentially identical. The distinctions between the MAN and
WAN are blurred and the differences are unimportant for now. We briefly discuss
the types of facilities available for WANs here, and will elaborate on them in later
Common carrier WANs facilities can be classed as one of seven types: pointto-
point, multidrop, circuit switched, message switched, packet switched, frame
switched, or cell switched. Any one or a combination of these can serve as the
WAN cloud.
Point-to-Point Circuits
A point-to-point circuit is a dedicated private line that is directly wired between
two endpoints. Analog voice-grade circuits are available, but rarely used
today. Much higher bandwidths are used for data transport. Digital circuits of
56 Kbps in North America or 64 Kbps in Europe are available, with bandwidths
extending as high as 40 Gbps. Some carriers provide “dark” fiber, which subscribers
can illuminate with their own equipment and use up to its capacity.
Point-to-point circuits can be terminated on a variety of different devices; data circuits
usually terminate on routers. Carriers typically price dedicated or private
line facilities in three segments: originating loop, interoffice channel (IOC), and
terminating loop.
Multidrop Circuits
The simplest point-to-point circuits connect directly between two endpoints
that have exclusive access to the circuit. If the endpoints do not have enough
traffic to use the capacity of a circuit, multiple circuits can be bridged in the central
office in a configuration similar to Figure 3-2. Legacy data networks such as
IBM’s SNA have such a topology. A front-end processor polls controllers in
round-robin fashion. If a terminal attached to the controller has traffic to send, the
controller forwards it. Otherwise, the controller responds that it has no traffic.
The central unit also sends output messages to the controllers when it has downstream
traffic. Circuit time is consumed with polling messages and negative
responses, adding to the overhead. A multidrop circuit is an effective way of
sharing capacity in a distributed network where no single station needs more than
a fraction of the circuit time. Automatic teller machines often use this type of
network.Circuit Switching
In a circuit-switched network, stations connect to a central switch in a star configuration.
Fax machines use the PSTN almost exclusively. Other data devices may
employ it as a matter of convenience; otherwise, it is rarely used for data except
for access to a WAN or LAN. Circuit switching has a major advantage compared
to other sharing methods in that the endpoints have exclusive use of the link to
the central switch, which reduces security problems. The usage-sensitive nature of
circuit switching and its bandwidth restrictions limit its use in data communications.
Also, circuit switching wastes bandwidth. When a station has no data to
send, the circuit’s bandwidth cannot be allocated to another station.
Message Switching
Message switching networks are sometimes called store-and-forward. Stations connect
to a computer that accepts messages, stores them, and delivers them to their
destination. The storage turnaround time can be either immediate for interactive
applications or the message may be delayed for forwarding when circuits are idle,
rates are lower, or a busy device becomes available. Data networks used message
switching in the past, but it is not common today except for electronic mail, the
essence of which is store-and-forward.
Packet Switching
A packet network consists of a collection of nodes connected with links as shown
in Figure 3-3. Subscriber stations connect at the network edge with either dedicated
or dial-up access circuits. The interface between the network and the subscriber
station is the X.25 packet switching protocol. Data travels across the network in
packets, which consist of address and control headers, a data payload block, and
an error-checking trailer. Each node checks incoming packets for errors, and forwards
them to the next node only after they are error-free. Inside the network, the
service provider determines how to interconnect the nodes and how much bandwidth
to provide. Stations communicate across a packet network with virtual
circuits. A virtual circuit is a connection between endpoints defined in software over
a path that is shared with other stations. Packet networks offer both permanent
virtual circuits (PVCs) and switched virtual circuits (SVCs). The carrier provisions a
PVC. An SVC is a temporary circuit set up for the duration of a session.
Common carrier packet networks are known generically as public data network
(PDNs). Users access the network over either dedicated or dial-up connections.
Before the Web became popular, many public databases allowed their users
to dial local connections into a PDN node to set up a connection to the database
Frame Switching
Packet networks were popular in the 1970s when physical circuits were analog,
error rates were high, and most applications were text-based. When fiber opticsbecame available, errors dropped to a fraction of their previous level. The error
rate was so low, in the order of one error or less per billion bits, that link-by-link
error checking was a waste of time and processor resources. The frame relay protocol
was the next phase of packet network development. The architecture is similar
to that of a PDN, except that dial-up access is rare. If a frame relay node
discovers an error, it discards the packet and leaves it to the endpoints, which are
usually routers, to arrange retransmission.
The method of charging on frame relay networks is also different. Packet
networks typically base their charges on kilopackets transmitted. By contrast,
frame relay costs are based on bandwidth. The subscriber pays the cost of the
access circuit, the bandwidth of the access port, and the cost of the PVC. For each
PVC, the customer chooses a committed information rate (CIR). The CIR is the
minimum rate the network guarantees to carry. The frame relay protocol allows
the data rate to burst up to the speed of the access port if capacity is available.
A user could, for example, purchase a 64 Kbps access circuit and port, but choose
a lower CIR, such as 16 Kbps. The network would guarantee to carry at least
16 Kbps. If capacity was available, the network would permit the subscriber to
send bursts up to 64 Kbps. If capacity is not available, the network can mark
frames as discard eligible, carry them if capacity permits, but discard them to
protect itself from overload.
46 PART 1 Introduction
Professional Workst ation 6000
Professional Workstation 6000
F I G U R E 3-3
A Packet Network
Another major departure from the packet network is in the bandwidth
offered. Packet networks typically support dedicated or dial-up analog access.
Most PDNs had a maximum access bandwidth of 56 Kbps. Frame relay always
uses digital access. The minimum access circuit speed is 56 Kbps, and bandwidths
of up to 45 Mbps are available.
A major advantage of frame relay is that it offers the security of a dedicated
network. A customer’s packets are never accessible on another customer’s premises.
Circuits are shared only in the backbone, and all backbone nodes are confined
to common carrier premises. Frame relay is discussed in more detail in Chapter 34.
Cell Switching
Cell relay, the predominate example of which is asynchronous transfer mode
(ATM), is a combination multiplexing and switching protocol. The architecture of
the network is similar to a packet network except the protocol slices data streams
into short cells, 48 octets in ATM, and forwards them across the network with a
short header, which is five octets in ATM.
ATM is used in both private and public networks. Unlike other data protocols,
cell relay is designed to be used in both voice and data networks. ATM
circuits form much of the basis for the Internet and for transporting voice across
common carrier networks. It is also commonly used as the access protocol for
digital subscriber line (DSL).
IP Networks
A growing tendency in the industry today is to use IP networks. Architecturally,
an IP network is similar to the packet-switched network in Figure 3-3. In fact, it is
a packet network, but with some important differences compared to a PDN or
frame relay. The nodes in a packet network are usually routers, which are specialpurpose
computers that are optimized for data communications. Routers are
available with a variety of input ports, including frame relay and ATM as well
as dedicated lines. Since IP is a connectionless protocol, packets can be sent to
any station that has an IP address. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage.
The main advantage is that it is not necessary for the service provider to define a
PVC. The major disadvantage, however, is that an IP network is exposed to all the
security threats that plague the Internet.
The Internet service provider (ISP) is the Internet’s counterpart of the LEC in
the PSTN. ISPs serve the customers and provide access into networks of regional
or backbone carriers. Customers may connect to the ISP with either dedicated or
dial-up service. Dedicated service may be a point-to-point digital line, but smaller
users use either cable access from a CATV provider or DSL from a LEC. The ISPs
may choose to connect themselves through private peering arrangements, or they
may connect through a network access point (NAP) or a metropolitan area
exchange (MAE). NAPs are currently located in New York, Miami, Chicago, San
Francisco, and Washington, DC, with large carriers providing the hosting facilities.
CHAPTER 3 Introduction to Data Communications 47
MAEs are located in most major cities worldwide. The main requirement for an
MAE is collocation space in a building that is secured against all of the usual hazards
such as fire, sabotage, and power failure, plus the availability of broadband
fiber facilities with protected bandwidth. Figure 3-4 illustrates how the Internet is
Routers attempt to find the most effective path for packets to reach the
destination. They do their work in two stages. The first is to consult their routing
tables, which may be extensive databases of the ways to reach a destination
address. If the destination cannot be reached over a route contained in the table,
the router forwards the packet to another router that is closer to the NAP or a
peering point. Packet forwarding is the second stage of this two-step process.
IP addresses can be either public or private. If public, the address is directly
reachable over the public Internet, opening the network to security concerns.
The first step in insulating the LAN from the Internet is network address translation
(NAT). As its name implies, NAT translates the public address space to
private addresses behind a firewall. The private address space cannot be reached
directly from the public Internet. A firewall is either a hardware device or a
software applet that enables the network administrator to restrict who can
access the internal network. One reality of security is that convenience and
protection are usually diametrically opposed. The best firewalls do not necessarily
block viruses and worms because holes in the firewall must be opened to allow
e-mail and others must be opened for voice and other applications. To derive a
private network over IP, users can form virtual private networks (VPNs) by
“tunneling” through the Internet. A VPN tunnel uses encryption and authentication
to ensure that even if communications are intercepted, the intruder will not
be able to read them. IP networks and security will be addressed further in
Chapters 10 and 36.
Network Hierarchies
Large data networks are usually hierarchical in form. ISO defines terminology
for three levels of network entities: end system (ES), intermediate system (IS) or
area, and autonomous system (AS). An ES is a device such as a terminal, personal
computer, or printer that does not perform traffic forwarding or routing functions.
ESs are typically connected to an IS, which is a device such as a router,
switch, or bridge that routes and forwards data packets. There are two types of
IS: intradomain and interdomain. An AS, also known as a domain, is a collection of
networks under common administrative control. An intradomain IS communicates
within a single AS, while an interdomain IS communicates between ASs.
An AS may be subdivided into areas, which is a logical grouping of network
segments. Figure 3-5 illustrates the concept. The devices connecting the areas
are generically known as gateways; the gateway function is usually contained in
a router.Data Network Performance Measures
Acrucial question for every network manager is how much bandwidth is enough.
Bandwidth is cheap in a LAN, but in the MAN and WAN, where it is leased from
a common carrier, it is costly. Insufficient bandwidth results in lost productivity as
users wait for the network to respond. Response time is defined as the interval
between the time the user presses a key or clicks a button to launch a demand and
the screen begins to fill. Response time can usually be improved by increasing
bandwidth, but at a higher service cost.
The most effective data networks make bandwidth available to meet the
demand. Since traffic demands come in peaks that do not coincide, the bandwidth
is allocated to multiple sessions. Throughput, which is defined as the number of
data bits correctly transferred per unit of time, and reliability are increased by
using mesh networks. The nodes in data networks are either computers or routers
that have the intelligence to move traffic to another route if the primary route is
congested. The links in a full-mesh network connect every node to every other
node. Full-mesh connectivity between nodes is usually unnecessary. Providing
several paths to and from each node offers high reliability as well as the ability to
avoid congestion, but at a higher cost.
Every network has a bandwidth ceiling that is set by some choke point,
which is usually the bandwidth of the access circuit. If the access circuit is uncongested,
it can devote its entire bandwidth to the application that requests service.
In a lightly loaded circuit, the response time is easy to predict—it is a function of
the throughput and the size of the file. If several applications are using the access
circuit simultaneously, each receives some portion of the bandwidth. How much
they get depends on the router programming. Some packets are more important
than others. Perhaps the importance depends on who is using the network, or
maybe it depends on the nature of the application. This issue becomes more
important as data and voice attempt to share the access circuit.
Differences in Quality Requirements
The PSTN has evolved to the point that quality is rarely a problem for voice.
Quality is subjective, and carriers measure it by taking controlled opinion surveys.
The standard of reference is the so-called “toll-quality” circuit, which earns a
mean opinion score of 4.4 on a scale of 1 to 5. For the Internet to approach toll
quality, several measures known as quality of service or QoS must be applied. Users
do not always demand toll quality as evidenced by the fact that they accept lower
quality on cell phones in favor of the convenience.
Data, voice, and video can and do share the same circuits, but they assess
quality in completely different ways. Reliable data communications must be free of
errors; that is, every bit must arrive at the destination exactly as it left the source.
Any deviation constitutes a bit error. Microwave radio has a much higher bit-error
rate than fiber optics, which usually is nearly error free, but no transmission
medium is completely devoid of errors. Data systems detect errors and correct
them by retransmitting the errored information. Voice sessions, by contrast, can
50 PART 1 Introduction
tolerate a bit-error rate that would render a circuit unusable for data. Error correction
is essential for data, but it is a waste of time and resources for voice. Delay-sensitive
applications such as voice and video make no attempt to detect and correct
errors and dropped packets.
TCP/IP protects itself from congestion in a variety of ways, but the input
buffers of routers may fill to capacity before the router can forward packets to the
next hop. When this happens, the protocol permits the router to discard packets.
Voice can tolerate a certain level of packet loss, but interactive video is highly sensitive
to lost packets. The percentage of lost packets is an important measure of
network quality.
Delay or latency, which is the time required for the signal to travel from source
to destination, is also a critical quality measurement for voice and interactive video.
If the latency in a voice session is excessive, the participants tend to talk over each
other and natural conversation becomes difficult. Voice connections ideally have a
maximum of 150 to 200 milliseconds (ms) of delay. Satellite circuits, most of which
have been replaced by fiber optics, have a delay of about 250 ms. Although people
can talk over a satellite circuit, it can be disconcerting and carriers avoid it if terrestrial
circuits are available. To the data user, delay is relatively unimportant. If the
response time is half a second longer than normal, it may hardly be noticeable.
Noise and loss are two phenomena that have an adverse affect on both data and
voice. They are characteristic of analog circuits, but affect digital circuits to a minor
degree. Loss refers to the drop in volume from one end of a circuit to the other. When
loss is excessive, a voice user has difficulty hearing and the difficulty increases with
a higher noise level. Data are more tolerant of loss than voice. Since data signals terminate
in electronic apparatus, they can be amplified to the level the equipment
requires, but noise is amplified with it. Noise is important to data only if it causes
errors. To both voice and data, the signal-to-noise ratio is the important factor.
Echo is another quality impairment that is important to both voice and data.
Echo occurs when a signal hits an irregularity that reflects a portion of the signal
back to the source. Excessive echo can render a circuit unusable for both voice and
data. It is generally resolved by using echo cancellers, which are devices that look
at the forward signal, compare it to the reverse signal, and cancel the reverse path
if the signals match.
Differences in Session Requirements
The nature of a voice session is much different than a data session. Voice sessions
begin with setting up a connection, which is exclusive for the duration of the call,
and then tearing the connection down. When a data user dials up a connection, such
as remote access to an ISP or a corporate network, the session is, for all practical
purposes, a voice session, with the modem emulating the human voice. Dial-up sessions
are acceptable for some data applications, including Internet access, but dialup
is usually an expedient that is used only when dedicated access is unavailable.
Voice sessions are usually user to user, extending to multiple users in the
case of a conference call, but easily confined to fixed bandwidth. The nature of a
CHAPTER 3 Introduction to Data Communications 51
voice session leaves half the bandwidth of the circuit unused. In addition, during
pauses in conversation, no information flows in either direction. Data sessions can
make use of this idle bandwidth, but it is important that long data packets not
block short voice packets.
This chapter has touched on most of the concepts needed for a broad understanding
of how data networks function and how their quality is measured. Data and voice
both ride over the same physical fiber-optic backbone, but at the circuit level they are
mostly separate. That, however, is changing. The trend is toward convergence of all
media, including voice, data, video, graphics, and multimedia applications over a
combined network. Before that transition can occur, several issues remain to be
resolved, so the networks will remain separate for the next several years.
Today, frame relay is the most popular data service. Frame relay also carries
a limited amount of voice and video. The main reason for its popularity lies in its
simplicity and security. Aframe relay network is provisioned within common carrier
facilities, and is fully as secure as a network composed of dedicated point-topoint
lines. It is economical, and offers bandwidth on demand up to the capacity
of the input port.
The major frame relay carriers also offer IP networks, and are recommending
that their customers move their service from frame relay to IP VPNs. For the customer,
an IP network has a major attraction. The typical enterprise is widely distributed
and international frame relay is expensive. Most sites already have
dedicated Internet access. If the same circuit can be used for access to both the
Internet and internal enterprise network, the cost may be significantly less. A transition
to an IP network would be easy to justify except for security and privacy
concerns. To implement an IP VPN, the customer either must set up and manage
appliances that provide the tunnels or turn the task over to the carrier. Either
approach raises the cost to the point that much of the expected saving evaporates.
Like the telephone network, the IP network is a complex and intricate
collection of circuits, routers, and servers. The Internet is most effective for those
that have full-time connections to it, but dial-up access through the PSTN is an
alternative for those that do not.
For carriers the choices are point-to-point circuits, MPLS, or ATM. For enterprise
networks, the choices are point-to-point circuits, frame relay, or IP, with the
latter gaining in popularity. The three services have a narrow range of overlap in
their applications and differences that must be clearly understood.
Access Channel
The service providers usually obtain the access channel from the customer premises
to the carrier’s point-of-presence (POP) from the LEC or a CAP. The access
channel cost within an LEC’s wire center is based on bandwidth. If the POP is in
52 PART 1 Introduction
a different wire center than the point of service delivery, the access channel may
also be distance sensitive, meaning the longer it is the more it costs. Therefore, the
location of the service provider’s POP is important. To be price competitive, the
carrier may select its POP for rating purposes at a different location than the point
of connection to its backbone network. Nevertheless, the cost of the access channel
is apt to vary widely among carriers and types of service. IP networks can use
DSL or cable for the access channel, which offers inexpensive access that carriers
can provision in short intervals.
Pricing Structure
Unlike frame relay and IP, which are not distance sensitive, the cost of point-to-point
circuits varies with the length of the IOC. The cost of all three alternatives varies
with the amount of bandwidth. IP is connectionless, so packets can be routed to any
endpoint. Frame relay has a PVC charge, which defines the endpoints that can
communicate across the network, although stations that lack a PVC can still communicate
through the central site. In addition, a CIR charge applies to each PVC.
Multiple PVCs to the same location may share access channels.
Point-to-point bandwidth can be obtained up to the capacity of a fiber-optic
wavelength or lambda. Frame relay providers usually offer a maximum bandwidth
of DS-3.
From a security standpoint, a dedicated channel offers the maximum security.
Frame relay is a close second. With both dedicated circuits and frame relay, the circuit
is accessible only on the carrier’s premises. Security is the weakest point in an
IP network and is the primary factor weighing against its use in sensitive applications.
Although IP can theoretically be made as secure as frame relay or dedicated
circuits, IP is vulnerable to such hazards as denial-of-service attacks that
cannot affect frame relay or dedicated circuits. Some applications require firewall
holes that destructive viruses and worms can penetrate. IP networks can be
secured, but to preserve security levels they require more administrative attention
than frame relay.
A major advantage of IP is its connectivity. Any IP address that is part of the public
addressing structure can be reached from any other location. This is a major
advantage compared to frame relay, which offers the equivalent of a dedicated connection.
Frame relay PVCs are provisioned using an identifier known as a datalink
CHAPTER 3 Introduction to Data Communications 53
connection identifier (DLCI), which defines the circuit. Anode on a frame relay network
can communicate with another node only by defining a PVC to that node or
by communicating through another node.
Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
The three services are much different in the ability of the carriers to provide tight
SLAs. SLAs are generally quoted on the basis of factors listed below.
Availability is defined as a percentage of time the network is available for service.
For example, a network with 1 h of the outage per year has an availability of
99.989%. This is calculated with the formula:
Percent availability = 1 – (outage hours/8760 h/year)
Availability is normally quite high for all three types of facility. Point-topoint
circuits are not subject to degradation during overload periods as are IP and
frame relay. IP reliability is somewhat less than frame relay, which is not subject
to hacking attacks.
Order Intervals
The user is concerned only with obtaining the access channel in an IP network.
Once the channel is up, the endpoint can connect anywhere in the world without
carrier intervention. Access channels can be provisioned quickly by using DSL or
cable. If a dedicated access channel is required, the order interval is the same as
for dedicated or frame relay circuits, but a major advantage of IP is the speed with
which it can be provided.
The longest intervals can be expected with point-to-point circuits, which must
have two access circuits and an IOC provisioned, often by multiple carriers. To some
degree the same is true of frame relay, except that the service provider can provision
the DLCI quickly, and can make changes to the port speed in a day or two.
Technical Variables
The tightest limits on such variables as noise, bit-error rate, latency, and packet
loss can be obtained with point-to-point circuits, and to a marginally lower
degree, with frame relay. Some frame relay providers offer classes of service with
latency and packet loss limits that are tight enough to support VoIP.
The ability of ISPs to offer SLAs on technical variables depends on the
degree of control they have over the network. Large ISPs may have their own
backbone, and therefore be able to control the network, but smaller ISPs may have
little or no control after they hand off packets to a backbone provider. In any case,
latency and packet loss will be higher on an IP network than frame relay.
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